Fagara coco (Gill.) Engler

Nota de alcance

PARTE UTILIZADA= Used part: Corteza y hojas.

ACCIÓN FARMACOLÓGICA= Pharmacological action: Sudorífico, diurético, astringente (corteza y hojas).

COMPOSICIÓN QUÍMICA= Chemical composition: 1. A re-investigation of alpha-fagarine and its derivatives has shown it to be identical with alpha-allocryptopine. 2. A second alkaloid, fagarine II, has been isolated and several derivatives have been prepared and analyzed. These data would suggest that fagarine II is isomeric with alpha-fagarine, differing only in the positions of the substituents. 3. Fagarine III has been isolated in very small amount. The ultraviolet absorption spectra of this alkaloid and its hydrochloride would suggest that it, also, belongs to the cryptopine group of alkaloids.

ZONA GEOGRAFICA= Geografical zone: Bolivia, Paraguay Y N y Centro de Argentina. 

Nota de alcance

DIVERSIDAD GENÉTICA Y MEJORAMIENTO DE PLANTAS MEDICINALES= Medicinal plants and improvement of medicinal herbs:

Fagara coco plants were inoculated in separate experiments with sodium acetate 1-14C, sodium formate-14C, mevalonic acid-4-14C, mevalonic acid-5-14C, 3,3-dimethylallyl alcohol-1-14C, and 3,3-dimethylacrylic acid-1-14C. The furanoquinoline alkaloid skimmianine was isolated from each plant and degraded to determine the activity at C-2 and C-3. The result from the acetate experiment confirmed previous findings for labelling only in the quinoline moiety; the same result was encountered with labelled dimethylacrylic acid. Sodium formate labelled mainly the methoxy groups, while the results from both mevalonic acids and dimethylallyl alcohol clearly indicated that C-2 and C-3 of the furan ring are derived from C-4 and C-5 of mevalonic acid respectively. © 1971.

Nota bibliográfica

1) TOURSARKISSIAN, Martín. Plantas medicinales de Argentina : sus nombres botánicos, vulgares, usos y distribución geográfica. Buenos Aires : Hemisferio Sur,1980, p114.

2) REDEMANN, C.E.; WISEGARVER, B.B.; ALLES, G.A. Characterization of certain alkaloids from Fagara coco. Journal of the American Chemical Society.1949 , vol.71, nº3, p.1030-1034.

3) COLONNA, A.O.; Gros, E.G. Biosynthesis of skimmianine in Fagara coco. Phytochemistry. 1971, vol.10, nº7, p.1515-1521.

Fagara coco (Gill.) Engler

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